Сценарий фестиваля английской песни
Краткое описание
Проведение фестивалей английской песни способствует тому,что учащиеся получают огромный запас английских слов, выражений, у них развиваются артистические, творческие способности. Каждый ребенок начинает осознавать себя как член одного дружного коллектива, где нет страха перед боязнью сделать ошибку и получить неудовлетворительную оценку, нет стеснения неправильно произнести слово, нет тех психологических барьеров неверия в себя, которые так присущи на занятиях по иностранному языку.
Сценарий музыкального фестиваля английской песни “MusicalBox” Ведущий 1:
Dear guests! We are very glad to see you here. Today we are going to have a festival that we called “ Musical Box”. Musical box (1 слайд: на экране появляется музыкальная шкатулка) sings so well. Do you like its song? So do I.
Music and songs raise our spirits, help us to overcome difficulties, make our feelings more complicated and our life becomes more colourful.
Yes, I think so. Let's enjoy our pupils' singing!
2 слайд: (песняSaharova Alisa, Miley Cyrus 11A)
It's splendid! Learning English through music helps us to understand and to learn the culture of England. It is very interesting because we learn English.
Nowadays, we can hear music everywhere: in the streets, at home, over the radio and TV, and Internet, and of course, at our school, because a lot of pupils are interested in music.
3 слайд: (песняSkinny Marinky, 2V, )
4 слайд: (песняZubaerova K., I’m a big,big girl, 6A )
Ведущий 1:
Great! I think that everybody in this hall can admit that it is impossible to live without music.
Ведущий 2:
I absolutely agree with you. I'm sure that all of us like music. We can express our thoughts and feelings, we can relax and have fun with the help of music.
5 слайд: (песняChange Your Life, 8 A,)
Well, it's difficult to speak about music because music is something spiritual and everybody understands it in different way.
Music helps us to understand the inner world of a person. Some people enjoy classical music, others prefer pop and rock. So many people, so many opinions.
6 слайд: (песняIf You Are Happy and You Know It ,1 E, )
7 слайд: (песняKarimova Adelina, Only hope ,5A)
Marvelous! As for me, I'm a lover of pop-music. But we can say that all kinds of music are popular with public.
By the way, I know that young people are united by music and communicate through it, express their thoughts, hopes, dreams, sorrows and joys.
8 слайд: (песняRepina Evita, What’s if…!, 5A)
9 слайд: (песняSabirzyanova N, Summer Love, 7B)
Helen, what about the songs of M. Jackson, E. Presley, Stevie Wonder? They are wonderful, aren't they?
Certainly. Their songs are good for having rest. Let's have a break with one of them.
10 слайд: (песняLoginova Diana ,I Just Call to Say …, 6B )
11 слайд: (песняDanilova Dasha, Wings, 8V)
No doubts, music makes our feelings happier and full of impressions.
I can't stand with it. Music can control our emotions and influence our mood.
12 слайд: (песняKuvshinova Alena, My heart will go on, 9B)
13 слайд: (песняEremina Alisa, Valisheva Mariya, Lovesick, 8A )
Music is one of the best parts of our life. It shows the beauty of the world. Music always can help us when we are in trouble.
14 слайд: (песняGalimova A, Kuznetsova A,Sabirzyanova N, Yesterday ,7 B)
I'm so excited. I believe that music helps people from all over the world to understand each other better. There are no boarders in music.
15 слайд: (песняRizajeva A, Rogozhkina A, Myakina K, We Found Love, 6V )
Wow, it makes me think of happy time. On the whole our English party is wonderful with lots of music and songs.
In my opinion we should decorate our festival with beautiful magic Christmas songs!
16 слайд: ( песня Zueva-Fitoz E, Last Christmas, 6B)
17 слайд: (песняMullayanova Aigul, Merry Christmas, 6A)
The English language! So beautiful and melodious!
So exciting and amazing! What can be better than to have a command of it?
To speak good English means to know its grammar and vocabulary and to pronounce well.
To speak English means to communicate, to understand each other.
So we wish you all speak good English well!
18 слайд: (песняPupils of the 3B Form, Jingle Bells)
I don't mind. But I think that our festival would be dull without our teachers!
19 слайд: (песня Ирина Сергеевна!)
Ведущий 1:
Sorry to say our festival is coming to the end. We think you enjoyed our beautiful songs.
поворачивается к выступающим детям:
Dear boys and girls! Thank you for your active participation. You are brilliant at singing.
Ведущий 2:( к гостям).
Dear guests! We hope you liked the party. Thank you very much for your attention. We wish you Merry Christmas! Good bye!
Dear guests! We are very glad to see you here. Today we are going to have a festival that we called “ Musical Box”. Musical box (1 слайд: на экране появляется музыкальная шкатулка) sings so well. Do you like its song? So do I.
Music and songs raise our spirits, help us to overcome difficulties, make our feelings more complicated and our life becomes more colourful.
Yes, I think so. Let's enjoy our pupils' singing!
2 слайд: (песняSaharova Alisa, Miley Cyrus 11A)
It's splendid! Learning English through music helps us to understand and to learn the culture of England. It is very interesting because we learn English.
Nowadays, we can hear music everywhere: in the streets, at home, over the radio and TV, and Internet, and of course, at our school, because a lot of pupils are interested in music.
3 слайд: (песняSkinny Marinky, 2V, )
4 слайд: (песняZubaerova K., I’m a big,big girl, 6A )
Ведущий 1:
Great! I think that everybody in this hall can admit that it is impossible to live without music.
Ведущий 2:
I absolutely agree with you. I'm sure that all of us like music. We can express our thoughts and feelings, we can relax and have fun with the help of music.
5 слайд: (песняChange Your Life, 8 A,)
Well, it's difficult to speak about music because music is something spiritual and everybody understands it in different way.
Music helps us to understand the inner world of a person. Some people enjoy classical music, others prefer pop and rock. So many people, so many opinions.
6 слайд: (песняIf You Are Happy and You Know It ,1 E, )
7 слайд: (песняKarimova Adelina, Only hope ,5A)
Marvelous! As for me, I'm a lover of pop-music. But we can say that all kinds of music are popular with public.
By the way, I know that young people are united by music and communicate through it, express their thoughts, hopes, dreams, sorrows and joys.
8 слайд: (песняRepina Evita, What’s if…!, 5A)
9 слайд: (песняSabirzyanova N, Summer Love, 7B)
Helen, what about the songs of M. Jackson, E. Presley, Stevie Wonder? They are wonderful, aren't they?
Certainly. Their songs are good for having rest. Let's have a break with one of them.
10 слайд: (песняLoginova Diana ,I Just Call to Say …, 6B )
11 слайд: (песняDanilova Dasha, Wings, 8V)
No doubts, music makes our feelings happier and full of impressions.
I can't stand with it. Music can control our emotions and influence our mood.
12 слайд: (песняKuvshinova Alena, My heart will go on, 9B)
13 слайд: (песняEremina Alisa, Valisheva Mariya, Lovesick, 8A )
Music is one of the best parts of our life. It shows the beauty of the world. Music always can help us when we are in trouble.
14 слайд: (песняGalimova A, Kuznetsova A,Sabirzyanova N, Yesterday ,7 B)
I'm so excited. I believe that music helps people from all over the world to understand each other better. There are no boarders in music.
15 слайд: (песняRizajeva A, Rogozhkina A, Myakina K, We Found Love, 6V )
Wow, it makes me think of happy time. On the whole our English party is wonderful with lots of music and songs.
In my opinion we should decorate our festival with beautiful magic Christmas songs!
16 слайд: ( песня Zueva-Fitoz E, Last Christmas, 6B)
17 слайд: (песняMullayanova Aigul, Merry Christmas, 6A)
The English language! So beautiful and melodious!
So exciting and amazing! What can be better than to have a command of it?
To speak good English means to know its grammar and vocabulary and to pronounce well.
To speak English means to communicate, to understand each other.
So we wish you all speak good English well!
18 слайд: (песняPupils of the 3B Form, Jingle Bells)
I don't mind. But I think that our festival would be dull without our teachers!
19 слайд: (песня Ирина Сергеевна!)
Ведущий 1:
Sorry to say our festival is coming to the end. We think you enjoyed our beautiful songs.
поворачивается к выступающим детям:
Dear boys and girls! Thank you for your active participation. You are brilliant at singing.
Ведущий 2:( к гостям).
Dear guests! We hope you liked the party. Thank you very much for your attention. We wish you Merry Christmas! Good bye!
11 января 2014
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Обсуждение материала
Образовательные вебинары
- Вебинар «Основные правила и способы информирования инвалидов, в том числе граждан, имеющих нарушение функции слуха, зрения, умственного развития, о порядке предоставления услуг на объекте, об их правах и обязанностях при получении услуг»
- Международный вебинар «Решение задач речевого развития детей в программе “Социокультурные истоки”: работаем в соответствии с ФГОС ДО и ФОП ДО»
- Современный урок английского языка в условиях введения ФГОС
- Новые технологии обучения младших школьников английскому языку в условиях реализации ФГОС
- Развитие УУД на уроках иностранного языка в начальной школе
- Организация внеурочной деятельности по иностранному языку (ФГОС)
Достоинство предложенной Вами разработки снижают следующие недочёты:
1. В презентации отсутствует список ссылок на использованную графику и музыкальное сопровождение.
2. Заголовки слайдов в презентации нечитабельны.
3. Отсутствуют ссылки на использованную при подготовке материала литературу.
4. В презентации указаны персональные данные учителей, в том числе тех, которые не указаны в качестве соавторов.
5. В разработке отсутствует логотип Портала.
С уважением, С.А. Колодин.
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С уважением, С.А. Колодин.