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Виртуальное путешествие по городам США

Виртуальное путешествие по городам США

Николай Дегтярев
Тип материала: Мероприятие
просмотров: 3609 комментариев: 1
Краткое описание
хороший конспект урока, который я провел четыре года назад, жаль тырнет фильтр не даёт возможности повторить сей опыт
План-конспект урока
Тема   урока:     Виртуальное путешествие по городам США.
Цели урока:  
1. Совершенствовать речевые навыки на основе текстов страноведческого характера.
2. Совершенствовать навыки чтения с извлечением заданной информации
3. Развивать языковую догадку и зрительную память учащихся.
4. Воспитывать уважение к традициям США.
Оборудование: 11 компьютеров (кабинет ИВТ), локальная сеть,  выход в Интернет. 
 Ход урока
 Этапы урока
 Деятельность учителя 
 Деятельность учащихся 
 I.Введение в урок
Слайд № 1
 Good morning! How are you?
Are you ready for the lesson?
Look at the screen and read the theme of our lesson all together.
What does it mean in Russian?
We have an unusual lesson today. You will make 3 presentations. 
 I am OK. We are good.
Yes we are.
All together: “USA cities virtual tour?”
«Виртуальное путешествие по городам США»
Слайд № 2
What do we expect to learn at the lesson?
l  To improve reading and speaking skills.
l  To train vocabulary on the topic “City”.
l  To enlarge cultural knowledge about the USA.
l  To use computer skills for learning purposes. 
Слайд № 3
Plan of the lesson:
l  Fresh up! Remember what you are already know about some US cities.
l  Vocabulary. What useful words and expressions you remember about the topic “City”?
l  Reading. Making presentations in groups of 3.
l  Speaking. Groups tell the class about a city.
l  Discussion. Which of the cities would you like to visit and why?
II. Речевая зарядка.
Слайд № 4
Answer my questions:
1)     How many states does the USA consist of?
2)    What city does not belong to any state?
3)    In what city can we see the UN building?
4)    In what town was Coca-cola invented?
5)    What American place of interest is known to many children of the world? Where is it situated?
6)    Where did the first skyscraper appear?
P1: 50 states
Washington D.C.
In New York
Disney Land
Слайд № 5
The next task.  
Match the cities and the pictures!
P1: 1 C
P2: 2 A
P3: 3 B
Слайд № 6
Lets read the next slide!  Use the vocabulary on the hand-outs, please
 (учитель раздает листы со словами)
Слайд № 7
And now let’s read how to make the presentation.
l  General Information
   Description, population, general characteristics.
l  Location
    Where the city is located, what cities are nearby.
l  History
    When the city was founded, under which circumstances.
l  Attractions
    What places of interest you can enjoy there.
Слайд № 8
As the example look at the screen! Here is the slide about  Las Vegas.
Слайд № 9
How to find the sites on the internet?
Orlando, Florida
New Orleans, Louisiana  
Chicago, Illinois
Слайд № 10
Let’s read the conditions of our work! 
l  Contents – according to the plan.
l  Design – according to the example or better.
l  1 student works in Internet and makes the presentation in PowerPoint, the others make notes and prepare for the oral presentation. 
l  The members of each group get the same mark.
l  Time limit – 30 minutes.
Слайд № 11
   OK. Let’s begin our work! 
    Good  luck!
Уч-ся выполняют презентации
“Optical illusions”
All the rest,  my dear guests! Let’s have  fun!
 презентация «Оптические иллюзии»
Слайд № 12
And now let’s listen to the presentations!
But, While listening, make notes to decide 
what city you would like to visit and why. Name at least 3 reasons. 
Учащиеся выступают со своими презентациями
 Слайд № 13
Express your opinion on the question – 
 what city would you like to visit and why? Name at least 3 reasons.  

 Слайд № 14
Подведение итогов
Ad now the results of our lesson:
l  What new things have you found out at the lesson?
l  What did you learn to do? 
l  Would you like to know more on the topic of the lesson?
Thank all of you for your work!  

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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1»

п. Кавалерово

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия для учащихся 9-11 классов

по теме:

Учитель английского языка: Дегтярев Н.В.

Кавалерово 2008 г.

План-конспект урока

Тема урока: Виртуальное путешествие по городам США.

Цели урока:

  1. Совершенствовать речевые навыки на основе текстов страноведческого характера.

2. Совершенствовать навыки чтения с извлечением заданной информации

3. Развивать языковую догадку и зрительную память учащихся.

4. Воспитывать уважение к традициям США.

Оборудование: 11 компьютеров (кабинет ИВТ), локальная сеть, выход в Интернет.

Ход урока

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

I.Введение в урок

Слайд № 1

Good morning! How are you?

Are you ready for the lesson?

Look at the screen and read the theme of our lesson all together.

What does it mean in Russian?

We have an unusual lesson today. You will make 3 presentations.

I am OK. We are good.

Yes we are.

All together: “USA cities virtual tour?”

«Виртуальное путешествие по городам США»

Слайд № 2

What do we expect to learn at the lesson?

  • To improve reading and speaking skills.

  • To train vocabulary on the topic “City”.

  • To enlarge cultural knowledge about the USA.

  • To use computer skills for learning purposes.

Слайд № 3

Plan of the lesson:

  • Fresh up! Remember what you are already know about some US cities.

  • Vocabulary. What useful words and expressions you remember about the topic “City”?

  • Reading. Making presentations in groups of 3.

  • Speaking. Groups tell the class about a city.

  • Discussion. Which of the cities would you like to visit and why?

II. Речевая зарядка.

Слайд № 4

Answer my questions:

  1. How many states does the USA consist of?

  2. What city does not belong to any state?

  3. In what city can we see the UN building?

  4. In what town was Coca-cola invented?

  5. What American place of interest is known to many children of the world? Where is it situated?

  6. Where did the first skyscraper appear?

P1: 50 states

Washington D.C.

In New York


Disney Land


Слайд № 5

The next task.

Match the cities and the pictures!

P1: 1 C

P2: 2 A

P3: 3 B

Слайд № 6

Lets read the next slide! Use the vocabulary on the hand-outs, please

(учитель раздает листы со словами)

Слайд № 7

And now let’s read how to make the presentation.

  • General Information

Description, population, general characteristics.

  • Location

Where the city is located, what cities are nearby.

  • History

When the city was founded, under which circumstances.

  • Attractions

What places of interest you can enjoy there.

Слайд № 8

As the example look at the screen! Here is the slide about Las Vegas.

Слайд № 9

How to find the sites on the internet?

Orlando, Florida


New Orleans, Louisiana



Chicago, Illinois


Слайд № 10

Let’s read the conditions of our work!

  • Contents – according to the plan.

  • Design – according to the example or better.

  • 1 student works in Internet and makes the presentation in PowerPoint, the others make notes and prepare for the oral presentation.

  • The members of each group get the same mark.

  • Time limit – 30 minutes.

Слайд № 11

OK. Let’s begin our work!

Good luck!

Уч-ся выполняют презентации


Optical illusions”

All the rest, my dear guests! Lets have fun!

презентация «Оптические иллюзии»

Слайд № 12

And now let’s listen to the presentations!

But, While listening, make notes to decide

what city you would like to visit and why. Name at least 3 reasons.

Учащиеся выступают со своими презентациями

Слайд № 13


Express your opinion on the question –

what city would you like to visit and why? Name at least 3 reasons.

Слайд № 14

Подведение итогов

Ad now the results of our lesson:

  • What new things have you found out at the lesson?

  • What did you learn to do?

  • Would you like to know more on the topic of the lesson?

Thank all of you for your work!

Обсуждение материала
Николай Дегтярев
26.06.2011 15:07
за что 2?
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