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Урок - сватовство по теме: «Семья и семейные традиции в соизучаемых странах».

Урок разработан для учащихся 11 классов Полонской Оксаной Петровной, учителем английского языка, I квалификационной категории, г.Ноябрьск Тюменской обл. ЯНАО


1. Развитие навыков говорения (диалогическая/монологическая речь) и аудирования;

2. Развитие социокультурных компетенций и творческих навыков учащихся;

3. Воспитание и формирование уважительного отношения к семье, семейным традициям и ценностям граждан России и изучаемого языка.

Оснащение урока:

  1. Вокабуляр по теме «Courtship, marriage, family»;

  2. Вокабуляр «Social formulas: agreement/ disagreement»;

  3. Интернет – ресурсы;

  4. Бейджи, бутафория для учащихся;

  5. Раздаточный материал для работы в группах;

  6. Фотоаппарат, камера, компьютер, интерактивная доска.

Ход урока:

Lesson Stages

Tasks and instructions

Teacher’s actions



Interaction patterns




1. Good morning everybody. My name is Ann. I’m a specialist of wedding agency. I’m glad to meet you at the courtship of English bride Irene and Russian bridegroom Simon. They would like to plan their wedding beforehand that’s why they invite their nearest and dearest to help them.


2.Warming up

Introduce your family and friends


2.Give associations with the word family

2. Irene, will you introduce your guests, please. And now Simon it’s your turn to do it.

3. Soon Irene and Simon will have their own family. Will you tell us what is a family for you? Which associations do you have? But remember, you shouldn’t repeat the same words. Let’s start with the eldest members of the family.

4. So ,a lot of associations and most of them are pleasant ones. Thank you. I think your answers underline the importance of a family for people of different nationalities and from different families.

I/S greet guests

Name associations


In chain

Oral award



III. Presentation and giving the tasks

IV. Practice

3.Give characteristics of an ideal husband/ wife

Teacher name the ?-s and divide them into groups

5. An ideal husband and wife is an important part of a happy family. And what features of character should they poses, I/S?

6. And now let’s help Irene and Simon prepare for the 1st step of their family life – their wedding. They told me they would like their wedding to combine modern tendencies and traditions of their countries and families.

So, the questions we have to discuss today are: Budget, date , guests, place of ceremony ,invitations, bride’s image , cars ,bridegrooms image, restaurant, family traditions in Russia and Great Britain, menu, advantages and disadvantages of living in Russia and Great Britain, bride and bridegrooms family peculiarities, place of living for new-weds and its advantages, secrets of a happy family.

Irene and Simon, offer to divide them among our guests and some of them they have already discussed. Irene and Simon will you take your quest ions? I’ll give the others for groups.

For bride’s friends:1. the best text for invitation cards 2. bride’s image 3.bridegroom’s buttonhole decorations

For bridegroom’s friends:1.the best wedding transport 2.restaurant 3. Bridegroom’s suit

For uncles and aunts -1.tell about the main family traditions

For godmother –choose dishes for our wedding menu

For parents : -1. mothers should warn their future son and daughter in low about their family peculiarities. 2. fathers should discuss the best place of living for new-weds.

All groups have only 5 minutes. While our guests are working, we shall have a talk with I/S. So, will you tell us some words about your meeting. Did you fall in love with each other at 1st sight?Is it a marriage for love or for convenience? etc.

*And now let`s discus ?-s from your list

-What is your wedding budget?

-How many guests are you going to have?

We`ve got some ?-s cleard. Now we continue our work with bride’s friends. I/S, join your friends, please and be ready to choose the best variant for you.

*Let`s start with the texts for wedding cards. Are you satisfied with them? What`s the best?

*We can`t imagine any wedding without beautiful bride and handsome bridegroom. I/S`s best maid has done a lot of preperations. Let`s watch the result of her work.

*And what about bridegroom`s suit?

Speaking about cars, we have got some variants too. Boys, you have also to discuss what restraint it will be.

*As for our relatives, they expect you I/S to remember and follow the most typical family traditions. Welcome Russian representatives.

*And what about British ones?

*Thanks for your help It`s very user full information for I/S. They say, traditional cuisine is the mirror of the nation. Simon`s godmother has prepared an example of wedding menu. Look it through and discuss it, please.

*Settled. Will mothers tell their future son and daughter-in law about the main peculiarities of their families? Maybe to warn about something and make their life easier.

*Fathers, it`s your turn to discuss and help to choose the best place for I/S.

*So, I/S has decided to live in St. Petersburg. I think they gave a lot of arguments for it.



Present the speech

Make the dialogues, argue and find the compromise

Read 3 variants of wedding cards

Show the photos comment and them

Show the photos,comment and discuss



Show the photos,comment and discuss



Monologues/dialoguers/find a compromise


In pairs

In groups

In groups

In groups


In groups

In pairs

In pairs

In pairs

In pairs

Put marks in the list

Put marks in the list

Put marks in the list

Put marks in the list




V. Post-speech

And we have a surprise for I/S. Irene`s British granny and Simon`s Russian granpa would like to like to tell them some words.

Listen video letters

Interaction with guests


VI. Conclusion

*Well, you see, we`ve done a good gob todether. We`ve decided a lot of questions. As for your marks…

* H/T is to interview your parents about your family traditions.

*And now please analise our work and express it in papers which you`ve got.


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