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Учебно-Методический портал

Элективный курс "Средства массовой информации"

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Комплекс разработала –

Костишина Татьяна Владимировна,

учитель английского языка

Хорогочи - 2010


на заседании


Протокол № 2 от 10 сентября 2010г.

Программа элективного курса

по английскому языку

«Средства массовой информации»

Пояснительная записка

В современном обществе средства массовой информации – это многостороннее явление, представляющее собой и источник информации, и фактор, определяющий становление и формирование системы ценностей личности, влияющий на воспитание и развитие эстетического вкуса обучающихся. Информационная грамотность, состоящая в умении добывать, анализировать, оценивать и порождать информацию в разных формах, является одним из необходимых условий успешности выпускника в самых разных сторонах современной жизни. Информационно грамотный человек способен критически оценивать то, что он видит, слышит и читает на экране телевизора, по радио, в газетах и журналах, в рекламе, в Интернете; он умеет обмениваться информацией, добиваясь поставленных целей и при этом проявляя уважение к предпочтениям окружающих. Формирование у обучающихся информационной грамотности является одной из важнейших задач современной школы, в решении которой определенную роль может сыграть обучение навыкам эффективной коммуникации, в том числе на уроках английского языка. Необходимость создания данного элективного курса продиктована тем, что учебный материал по рассматриваемой теме в основном курсе для 9 класса1 включает небольшое количество текстов, содержащих в основном общую информацию по теме, в то время как данная программа предполагает изучение темы на материале текстов полемического характера с последующим обсуждением прочитанного. Кроме того, тема «Интернет», отличающаяся значительной актуальностью, отсутствует во многих отечественных учебниках по английскому языку для 9 класса. Наконец, данная программа отвечает высокой востребованности профориентационной работы по специальностям, связанным со средствами массовой информации.

Программа предлагаемого предметного элективного курса по английскому языку по теме «Средства массовой информации» предназначена для учащихся 9 класса и разработана в соответствии с задачами модернизации содержания образования и основными положениями Концепции профильного обучения.

Программа может использоваться как дополнение к материалу 9 класса, что позволит углубить знания обучающихся по теме. Данный курс является профориентационным, так как в программу входит изучение темы «Профессия – репортер», по которой выполняется проект «Я – журналист».

Цели курса заключаются в дальнейшем развитии языковой компетенции обучающихся, усвоении ими лексико-грамматического материала, расширении общих знаний по теме, развитии информационной грамотности обучающихся, профессиональной ориентации.

Задачи курса:

- расширение содержания образовательного минимума;

- осознание СМИ как социального явления, которому присущи противоречивость и неоднозначность воздействия на сознание и поведение личности;

- развитие критического мышления применительно к содержанию средств массовой информации;

- формирование общего представления о профессии репортера.

Программа предусматривает развитие навыков эффективной коммуникации, как в аудитории, так и в ходе переписки по электронной почте. В программу заложены такие инновационные формы работ, как дискуссия, полемическое выступление, полилог, проведение интервью, проведения занятия в компьютерном классе с поиском заданной информации в Интернете, что способствует повышению социальной активности, побуждает обучающихся к дальнейшей самостоятельной деятельности. Работа над проектом проводится в течение всего курса: на первом занятии обучающиеся разбиваются на творческие группы, им сообщается тема проекта, осуществляется выбор формы конечного продукта; защита проекта является формой проведения зачетного занятия по итогам курса.

С целью выявления эффективности курса в начале и по окончании занятий цикла предполагается проведение рефлексии обучающихся по следующим направлениям:

1. Уровень знаний обучающихся по теме курса;

2. Осознание значимости изучаемой темы для обучающихся.

Прогнозируемый результат по итогам изучения курса предполагает формирование: - основных знаний по теме «Средства массовой информации»;

- коммуникативных умений;

- начальных умений распознавания приемов пропаганды;

- представления об особенностях работы журналиста.

В программе изложено содержание курса, названы умения и навыки, формирование которых предполагается по разделу; приведен учебный план с указанием часов по каждой теме. В предлагаемый комплекс входят методические рекомендации и приложение, включающее некоторые материалы по темам курса. Имеется список литературы.

Тематический план





Виды деятельности


Введение. Роль средств массовой информации в жизни современного общества.


Составление вопросника, проведение опроса


Тема 1. Пресса.




Тема 2. Радио.


Прослушивание фрагментов радиопередач на английским языке, проведение интервью


Тема 3. Телевидение.


Просмотр видеофрагментов, дискуссия, телемост


Тема 4. Интернет.


Поиск информации в Интеренете (урок в компьютерном классе); написание очерка


Тема 5. «Профессия – репортер».


Подготовка докладов




Защита проекта

Итого часов:


Содержание программы


Роль средств массовой информации в жизни современного общества. Информационная грамотность.

Обучающийся должен


- лексико-грамматический материал по теме;


- формулировать предположение, строить гипотезу;

- читать и переводить текст по теме;

- делать сообщение по теме.

Тема 1. Пресса.

Ведущие газеты (журналы) в России и англоязычных странах. «Желтая» пресса: ваше мнение.

Обучающийся должен


- лексико-грамматический материал по теме;

- названия и общее содержание некоторых ведущих изданий России, Великобритании, США;


- читать и понимать краткие статьи на английском языке;

- задавать вопросы и вести дискуссию, убеждать, доказывать, обосновывать свою точку зрения;

- умение понимать отношение других людей к публикациям.

Тема 2. Радио.

Радиостанции BBC, VOA. Твоя любимая радиостанция.

Обучающийся должен


- лексико-грамматический материал по теме;

- сведения из истории радио;

- сведения об особенностях наиболее известных радиостанций, вещающих на английском языке (BBC, VOA);


- слушать и понимать диалогическую речь на английском языке;

- проводить интервью (составлять план, выбирать стратегию ведения беседы).

Тема 3. Телевидение в современном мире.

Почему мы смотрим телепрограммы. Влияние ТВ на детей. Телемост «Анадырь – Анкоридж», посвященный проблемам телевидения.

Обучающийся должен


- лексико-грамматический материал по теме;


- просматривать и понимать короткие видеопрограммы на английском языке;

- комментировать увиденное;

- осуществлять вопросно-ответное взаимодействие в заданных условиях;

- высказывать свое мнение по обсуждаемой проблеме;

- обосновывать свою точку зрения.

Тема 4. Интернет.

Что такое Интернет. Использование Сети Интернет. Преимущества и недостатки использования Интернет по сравнению с другими средствами массовой информации. Интернет и дети: за и против.

Обучающийся должен


- лексико-грамматический материал по теме;

- структуру и основные принципы работы глобальной компьютерной Сети;

- общие принципы написания очерка.


- сравнивать Интернет с другими СМИ;

- находить нужную информацию в Интернете;

- написать электронное письмо;

- написать очерк о преимуществах и недостатках Интернета.

Тема 5. Профессия – репортер.

Выдающиеся журналисты, лауреаты международных премий в области журналистики.

Обучающийся должен


- лексико-грамматический материал по теме;

- сведения о выдающихся российских и зарубежных журналистах.


- самостоятельно добывать необходимую информацию, обрабатывать ее, выбирать наиболее адекватные целям способы ее презентации.


Защита проекта «Профессия – репортер» (выпуск издания по теме в виде газеты, репортажа, странички в Интернете, телепрограммы, радиопередачи).


1. Конышева А. В. Современные методы обучения английскому языку. Минск, ТетраСистемс, 2004.

2. Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка. Справочное пособие. Издание 4-е, стереотипное; Минск, «Вышэйшая школа», 1998.

3. Е. Н. Соловова. Методика обучения иностранным языкам. Базовый курс лекций: Пособие для студентов пед. вузов и учителей. М.: Просвещение, 2002.

4. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. English Course. Pre-Intermediate. Oxford University Press, 2001.

5. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Enterprise. Course Book. Express Publishing. 2000.

6. Glen Alan Penrod. Touchy Situations. An Advanced Conversation Text for ESL Students. Dymon Publications, USA, 1993.

7. Susan Norman. Export English. Аудиокурс английского языка на основе радиопередач Клайва Моффета. The British Broadcasting Corporation (ВВС), совместно с АО «ИНФРА-М», 1994.

8. Л. А. Соколова. Рефлексивный компонент деятельности как необходимое условие развития учителя и учащихся. Иностранные языки в школе, № 1, 2004, с.с. 19-26.



Media offer entertainment, culture, news, sports, and education. They are an important part of our lives and have much to teach. But some of what they teach may not be what we want or really need to learn!

Media Literacy - What Does It Mean?

According to the definition established by the National Leadership Conference on Media Literacy, media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and produce communication in a variety of forms. In essence, a media literate person can think critically about what he/she sees, hears and reads in books, newspapers, magazines, television, radio, movies, music, advertising, video games, the Internet, and new emerging technology. For many proponents, it also includes learning to create messages using print, audio, video, and multimedia.

Are you a media literate person? Why?

\Patrícia Aufderheide, National Leadership Conference on Media Literacy, Conference Report (Washington, DC: Aspen Institute, 1993)\

ТЕМА 2. Радио.


What Is International Shortwave?

The permanent, high-powered shortwave broadcast sites typically involve acres of huge antenna arrays like the one shown here. These sites often depend on miles of wires suspended in the air, as well as miles of buried wire serving as electrical ground systems. Using these arrays, international shortwave stations direct their signals largely toward the ionosphere. Through careful calculations involving electronic direction, power, and atmospheric conditions, these antennas aim their signals so they will come down on specific target areas around the world. These signals can bounce (refract) off of the ionosphere—even multiple times—and land thousands of miles away. Recall that ionospheric refraction is primarily a nighttime phenomenon.

Shortwave makes for interesting listening. It's easy to tune into stations from all over the world, especially at night. A large percentage of these stations program in English and beam their signals to North America. In addition to news and features about their country, some international stations provide on-air lessons in learning their country's language.

During the "cold war," you could clearly receive stations from the two Communist nations that were broadcasting more hours of shortwave programming than any other country: Russia and China, Listening to newscasts from these Communist countries provided (and still provides) some amazing contrasts to the information most of us hear in the free world.

Most shortwave services are designed to serve political or religious interests. One that is largely free of this type of "spin" is Britain's BBC World Service. This service broadcasts in 43 languages and is relied upon by people around the world for balanced, comprehensive news. Although the approach might be somewhat dull by U.S. standards, many consider the content "to be better balanced and meatier" than U.S. network newscasts.

In the United States the Voice of America (VOA) broadcasts in dozens of languages. A version of VOA in Special English is read at a slower speed using a simplified vocabulary of about 1,500 words. This version is intended for people around the world who are not proficient in English. VOA broadcasts in the following languages.

Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bangla, Bosnian, Brazilian, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Burmese Central África, Chinese, Creole, Croatian, Czech, Dari,

English to África, Estonian Farsi, French, Georgian, Greek, Hausa, Hindi Horn of África, Hungarian, Indonesian, Khmer, Korean, Kurdish, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese to África, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Síovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swahili, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek.

From the beginning, there has been an effort to insulate the Voice of America from political pressures. Its news content and balance is carefully evaluated. It was felt that this was the only way that it could maintain credibility around the world. However, in 2004, after a number of rival government-sponsored international broadcast services were started that could bypass this scrutiny, VOA staff members threatened to strike. They felt that if pro-government bias was detected in government -sponsored international broadcast services that the credibility of all U.S. international broadcasting would suffer.

The BBC and the VOA have broken major stories that were embarrassing to Communist leaderships before their government agencies could prepare a version for their own broadcasts that was more acceptable to the leadership.

ТЕМА 3. Телевидение.


«This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise, it is nothing but wires and lights in a box». — Edward R. Morrow.

1. Read the following facts and give your comments on them:

Critics blame television for everything from obesity to the murder rate. While TV is easy to criticize, and much of the criticism is justified, we also need to keep in mind that television benefits society in many important ways. In this module we'll start our look at the effects - both good and bad - of this pervasive medium.

Just how pervasive?

Today, the average American watches close to four hours of TV each day. Based on this, by age 65, the average U.S. citizen will have spent nearly 9, nonstop, 24 hour-a-day years glued to the tube.

The following provides even more insight into the power of television--and suggests some sobering things to think about.

98. 5 percent of U.S. households have at least one television set.

90% of U.S. households have two or more TV sets.

87% of U.S. households have at least one VCR or DVD player.

The average U.S. home has the TV on more than 51 hours a week. (Obviously, the TV is on many more hours a week than each family member spends watching it).

TV and Children:

81 % of children ages 2-7 watch TV alone and unsupervised.

70% of day care centers use TV during a typical day.

54% of 4-6 year-olds who, when asked to choose between watching TV and spending time with their fathers, said they would prefer to watch television.

It has been shown that children who watch TV more than 10 hours a week suffer negative academic effects.

The average American child ages 2-11 watches television 20 hours a week.

TV and Violence:

By the age of 18, the average American child sees 200,000 violent acts on TV.

By the age of 18, children witnesses 16,000 murders on TV-most by handguns.

73% of the time the people in TV dramas who commit violent acts go unpunished.

47% percent of violent situations show no real harm to the victims, and 58 percent show no real pain.

80% of Hollywood executives think there is a link between TV violence and real-life violence. Only 4 percent of violent programs show nonviolent alternatives to solve programs.

TV and Obesity:

During Saturday morning cartoons there are typically more than 200 "junk-food" commercials.

At least 12 medical studies link excessive television watching to increasing rates of obesity.

In 1963, 4.5% of children ages 6 to 11 were seriously overweight; by 2001, this percentage had more than tripled.


Read the following text and answer the questions:

  1. What reasons for people’s watching TV are given in the text?

  2. Do you agree that these are the reasons? Can you think of any other reasons?

  3. Are the enumerated reasons positive rather than negative or vice versa? Explain your answer in not less than 4 sentences. In your answer use the following word combinations:

I think, I suppose, I believe, I’m sure that; to my mind, I may be wrong but….

4. How do you think TV influences people during some very important events happening in the world? Give some examples to support your ideas (the American war in Vietnam, the recent disaster in Indonesia, etc.)

5. How does TV help people learn? In what way does TV help you in learning?

We like to be entertained. We like excitement. We like to see handsome men and beautiful women. We like to vicariously (and safely) experience the experiences of other people. We like to be drawn into fantasy worlds that we will probably never be able to experience first hand. But, maybe most of all, we like to passively relax in front of "the tube," select our vicarious experiences, and let them flood over us without any real effort on our part.

What’s wrong with that? Nothing, in moderation. In fact, to stay mentally and physically healthy, it's important to spend some time relaxing each day. Plus, it's been proven that it's healthy to laugh and release our tensions. With TV we can enjoy the humorous escapades of our TV friends. And then there's the information we gain from TV. We first realized the impact of TV during the mid-1900s. U.S. citizens had been reading about the civil rights struggle for decades. But, it was only when TV came along in the 50s and 60s and viewers saw in TV news footage what was really happening, that the country amassed political pressure to take action to change things.

U.S. citizens had also read about war for decades. But when they started seeing newsreel footage of dead, maimed, and wounded American soldiers every night on TV as a result of the Vietnam war the majority of the country soon turned against the war. All these things had been reported in great detail in newspapers for decades; but reading about them was one thing, seeing them was another. Before television, children had no idea what most foreign countries or their peoples looked like, or how they lived. Most exotic animals and fish were only names in books. Letters, numbers, and words were things that you started learning when you got to first grade. However, because of television, most children are now familiar with these things even before they start school.

III. Media Violence and Its Influence on Children (Text for discussion).

Read the text and express your attitude towards its ideas.

Do you think media violence really has positive effects as well as negative?

If it has positive effects, does it mean it’s worth while watching violence on TV?

Contrary to the common belief that media violence only brings about negative effects, some effects of media violence can also be beneficial. By having exposure to media violence, children will not grow up naive and ignorant of the harsh realities in life of which they must be aware and cautious. Most kids, after watching a violent or frightening movie, are usually afraid and slightly more cautious about their actions or what they say to strangers. In this way, media violence can be helpful, it gives kids an understanding that the world is not perfect, it never will be and that violence can be a reality. For example, just hearing about the dangers of giving away personal information to the wrong person, might not be enough to make a child fully aware of the consequences. Instead, a dramatization of a worst case scenario can provide visual picture in their mind, and thus instill a sense of fear in the child. In response, this may then help them to act in ways to avoid such dangerous situations that could bring about a recurrence of such fear.

For most kids, the effect of media violence is fairly small, so long as the examples they see on TV and in movies are balanced with good examples, values and morals, set and followed through by parents and peers. But for children who grow up with poor adult examples or an unclear idea of what's right and wrong, media violence can have a greater effect. When children grow up with few examples and morals set by others around them, they sometimes adopt a celebrity as a role model. If they see someone they look up to promoting violence either on TV or in movies, they may think that violence is the right or "cool" thing to do. This mind set is very often the cause of violent acts by children and teens. Also, according to the beliefs of Tina Pieracinni, a professor at Columbia University, the more violence children are exposed to, the less sensitive they become to real life issues, since they see them portrayed on TV as insignificant.

Тема 4.

Surf the Net!


1. Match the words/phrases (1-6) to the definitions (a-f).

1. the Internet a. moving from one document or web site to another to find information.

2. the Web b. copying information from a web site to your own computer

3. a web site c. a network of computers all over the world, joined by phone lines, satellite or cable

4. surfing the net d. a system linking millions of documents stored on Internet computers around the world

5. e-mail e. the place on the Internet where a company/ organization/ etc stores its documents

6. downloading f. electronic messages sent to someone over the Internet

2. a). Listen to the text and mark the statements as T (true) or F (false).

1. The Internet was started in 1990.

2. The Internet links computers.

3. To visit a web site, you simply enter the telephone number.

4. The main use of the Internet is to find mistakes.

5. Using the Internet is getting more expensive.

b). Listen again and correct the false statements, as in the example.

Example: The Internet wasn’t started in 1990. It was started in 1968.


3. Read the information leaflet about the Internet, and match the questions (a-f) to the

numbered spaces (1-6), as in the example. Then, explain the words in bold.

The Internet: FAQs

(Frequently Asked Questions)

The Internet is without doubt one of the most important inventions in history. It was started in 1968 by the US government, but at first it was used mainly by scientists. Since 1990, when the World Wide Web was created, it has changed the world, and its uses are growing every day.

1 (a)What exactly is the Internet?

The Internet is a network (several networks, in fact) of millions of computers around the world, connected by phone lines, satellite or cable, so that all the computers on the net can exchange information with each other.


Not quite. The Internet links computers, and the World Wide Web is a system which links the information stored inside these computers.


A company or organization stores its information in electronic in electronic documents on one of the Internet computers, somewhere in the world. This computer space – the company’s web site – has an address, in the same way that every telephone has a number. To visit a web site, you simply enter the address. Your computer is connected to the web site, a document is downloaded, and a page appears on your computer screen.


When you visit a web site looking for information, some words on the page may be underlined, showing that there is more information about the subject in another document. If you click on one of these words, the Web automatically connects your computer to a new document or web site, even if this is stored thousands of kilometers away. You’re surfing the net!


The main use of the Internet is to find information – for your schoolbook or job, or just to find out more about your hobbies, sports or current events. You can also use the Internet to read newspapers and magazines, play games, plan your holiday or buy things from your favourite shop. E-mail makes it possible to send electronic messages anywhere in the world in seconds, and you can use the Internet to ‘chat’ with people and make new friends.


If you don’t already use the Internet, all you need to get started is a computer, a modem and a phone line. Using the Internet is getting cheaper and easier all the time.

Are you ready to surf the net? There’s a whole exciting Internet world out there waiting for you!

a What exactly is the Internet?

b What do I need in order to use the Internet?

c How do I “surf the Net”?

d That’s the same thing as the web?

e What can I use the Internet for?

f What is a web site, and how do I visit one?


4. Fill in the words from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrases.

web, surf, exchange, computer, change, get, electronic, enter, current, phone, important

1. ………………… inventions

2. to ………………. the world

3. ……………………… lines

4. to …………….. information

5. ………………… documents

6. a ………………….…... site

7. to …………….. the address

8. a ………………….. screen

9. to …………….…… the net

10. …………………… events

11. to ………………… started

5. Fill in the correct prepositions, then make sentences using the completed phrases.

1. ……………. doubt; 2. exchange information ………… each other; 3. …………. the world; 4. appear …………… the screen; 5. …………. the page; 6. information ……….. sth; 7. to click …………. sth; 8. waiting …………. sb; 9. stored ……………. the computer; 10. find out ……………… sth.


Read the text again, then use the notes below to talk about the Internet.

Internet = network of computers around the world

You need: computer, modem and phone line

To surf the net, you: enter a web site address, connected to the web site, download document,

page appears on screen, click on underlined words, connected to new

documents/web sites

You can use it to: find information for schoolwork, job, hobbies, sports, current events;

read newspapers, magazines; play games, plan holidays, buy things,

send electronic messages (e-mail), ‘chat’ with people, make new friends

WRITING (a for-and-against essay)

6. Read the following instructions:

When we write a for-and-against essay we can divide it into four paragraphs.

In the first paragraph we state the topic. In the second paragraph we write the points for, explaining each point. The third paragraph we write the points against, in the same way. In the fourth paragraph we sum up the topic and give our opinion. We use present tenses in such pieces of writing. We can also use words such as: also, however, on the other hand, firstly, etc. to list our points.

7. a) Should children use the Internet? Read the points (1-6) and mark them as P (pros) or C (cons). Then, listen and check your answers.

Children on the Net: yes or no?

1. The net is part of our world, so children need to use it. ……….

2. Many use it for playing games, not for learning. ……….

3. They learn about other countries and children. ……….

4. They can meet people from all over the world. ……….

5. Some web sites are not suitable for children. ……….

6. They can make friends in far away places. ……….

b). Read the topic sentences. Which:

states the topic and main viewpoints;

introduces points for;

introduces points against;

sums up the topic and gives an opinion?

1. On the other hand, some people are against letting children surf the net on their own.

2. The Internet is a great learning tool for children, but what about the problems and dangers if children are allowed to surf the net on their own?

3. Many people are in favour of children using the Internet.

4. The Internet offers many advantages, but children should be supervised when they are using it, and parents must teach them how to use it properly.

c). Use the points for and against, and the topic sentences above, to talk about the pros and cons of the Internet for children.

8. Use the information from Ex. 6 and the plan below to write a for-and-against essay (120-180 words) about whether children should use the Internet.



1. state the topic

Main part

2. points for children using the Internet

3. points against children using the Internet


4. sum up the advantages and disadvantages


(в начале курса)

  1. Считаете ли вы тему курса актуальной?

да нет другое ______________________________

  1. Считаете ли вы эффективным подведение итогов курса в форме проекта?

да нет другое _______________________________

  1. Оцените ваши знания по темам курса по пятибалльной системе:

Разделы курса


1. Пресса

2. Радио

3. Телевидение

4. Интернет

5. Профессия журналиста

4. Умеете ли вы:

- находить информацию в Интернете?

- отправлять и получать электронную корреспонденцию?


(по окончании курса)

  1. Считаете ли вы тему курса актуальной?

да нет другое ______________________________

  1. Считаете ли вы эффективным подведение итогов курса в форме проекта?

да нет другое _______________________________

  1. Оцените ваши знания по теме курса по пятибалльной системе:

Разделы курса


  1. Пресса

  1. Радио

3. Телевидение

  1. Интернет

  1. Профессия журналиста

4. Отметьте состояние, которое вы испытывали в процессе работы над курсом:

интерес удовольствие раздражение

скука беспокойство эмоциональный подъем

  1. Оцените по пятибалльной системе работу во время изучения курса следующих участников:

Evaluation Card






1 См., например, «Английский язык: Учебник для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений / В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, и др. – 7 изд. – М.: Просвещение, 2003.


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