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Разработка урока английского языка по теме Why are books banned?

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Тема урока: “ Why are books banned?”

Цель урока: активизация речемыслительной деятельности по теме "Запрещенные книги и их роль в обществе"

Задачи урока:


Активизация тематической лексики УМК в устной речи учащихся в

диалогической и монологической форме в процессе развития иноязычной

коммуникативной компетенции школьников;


Развитие умений и навыков учащихся средствами изученного иностранного языка выражать свое отношение к прочитанным книгам и различным жанрам книг;

Развитие навыка аудирования с помощью прослушивания просмотра аутентичного видеоролика;

3.Развитие способностей к критическому мышлению:


1. Обучать ознакомительному чтению, выбирая из текста главное и опуская второстепенное

2.Формирование умения работать в коллективе

3.Воспитание уважения к собеседнику

Формы проведения:

интерактивная беседа, обмен мнениями, парная и индивидуальная работа.

Оснащение урока: Учебник Happy English.ru 8, слова на магнитной доске, компьютер, проектор.

Ход урока.

1.Приветствие. Организационный момент. Объявление темы урока.

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls, today we are going to speak about books, why were they banned and discuss different genres of books.

What is today’s date? Who is absent? So, let`s start our lesson.

2. Фонетическая разминка

Vasco da Gama [ ,væskəu də `ga:mə], Magellan [məgelən], Columbus [kə`lʌmbəs], Copernicus [kəu`pз:nikəs], the Index Liborum Prohibitorum [`indeks `libɔrum `pr ɔhibit ɔrum], genre [ʒɔŋrə]. (слайд 2)

3. Групповая мозговая атака: прием «знаем, хотим узнать»


  1. С целью актуализации знаний учитель предлагает заполнить таблицу

(на магнитной доске)


Teacher: We spoke about some themes during our last lesson, but there are things you don’t know about or you want to know

Дети размещают выражения (они написаны на листах бумаги) по столбикам на магнитной доске и читают получившиеся предложения. Например: We know about great discoveries.

Great Discoveries, banned books, the Index Liborum Prohibitorum, Wilhelm Humboldt University, genres of the books, in the library, the importance of reading.

b) Teacher: What do you want to speak about right now?

(Дети выбирают).

-Banned books.

(let`s read the definition of banned books) слайд 3-4


Speak about Great Discoveries

T: Then open your textbook at the page 128, it’s the exercise 5. We have already read this text. Read the needed extract from the Ex.5

Ребята вычитывают предложения из текста

b) Teacher: This knowledge led to… Now tell me please what do you know about the Index Liborum Prohibitorum? Read the needed extract from the Ex.5

( Ребята вычитывают предложения из текста) (слайд 5)

c) Well, we continue speaking about banned books and Diana has prepared a small report about the episode that happened at Wilhelm Humboldt University.

(слайд 6-7)

d) At home you have to find some interesting information about books, which were banned (reports)




Дети представляют свои доклады и задают вопросы по теме.

4. Развитие навыка аудирования

T: To get more information on banned books let`s watch the video devoted to this theme. I took this video from the I-net (youtube.com). This video will be rather difficult for you and just try to get general information.

Listening. Banned Books Week: Puppet Book Banners

There are some words which you could find difficult.

Useful vocabulary:

puppet ['pʌpɪt]

The Catcher in the Rye is a novel by J. D. Salinger. (Над пропастью во ржи)

A phone book- телефонный справочник

А cookbook – книга с кулинарными рецептами

5. Физ. Минутка (зарядка для глаз)

Teacher: We have just watched the video and our eyes are tired so let us make some eye relaxation exercises. (слайд 8)

Зарядка для глаз.
Look left, right
Look up, look down
Look around.
Look at your nose
Look at that rose
Close your eyes
Open, wink and smile.

6. Актуализация изученных лексических навыков.

T: As you know there different kinds of books. Let`s read and translate them. (слайд № 9)

There are a lot of genres of the books.

A biography

A fairy tale

A history books

A story

An adventure story

A detective story

A love story

A novel

A fantasy

A horror Story

A science fiction

T: So let`s speak about the genres of books. Scan the card 1 and try to match the names of different genres of books with their descriptions. And then say just a few words about the ones that appeal to you most of all. (слайд 10)

Don`t forget to use:

I`m keen on…

I like…

I`m interested in…

I recommend…

PLS scan the card and do the matching (individually and in pairs).

Teacher checks the works.

T: Let`s go on speaking. You were asked to say a few words about book genres you prefer. What are they? Try to give your reasons too.

Who wants to start the conversation?

PLS – answers.

7. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

T. – Now, boys a girls, let`s imagine that you are in the library. (слайд 12)


A- Librarian B- Reader

- Hello. I would like to read something interesting. What would you recommend me?

- Hello. What books do you prefer?

- I like adventure stories, history books and romance.

- Have you read the book "Gone with the wind"?

- I haven't yet. Who is the author?

- So, this book was written by Margaret Mitchell.

- Where is the book set?

- All events are taking place in America.

- And who is the main characters?

- The main characters are Scarlett O'Hara, Rhett Butler.

- What happens to the characters?

- Scarlett's life is changed by the Civil War. Her mother dies, and her father is very ill. Scarlet learns to work on the land looks after all her family and friends. Rhett Butler is Scarlet's friend. He is in love with her, but she loves another man. This book is worth reading.

- All right. Thank you. I'll take it. Good bye.

- Good bye.

T. Well done

Why haven’t we spoken about the importance of reading ?

Учитель предлагает заполнить фишбоун, чтобы ответить на написанный учителем вопрос на голове рыбы. Ответы пишутся детьми на ребрах, и общий вывод формулируют и записывают на хвосте.

And your hometask is to write a composition on this topic.

You should write about 7-8 sentences.


Well, we have worked hard today and now let’s revise our knowledge

a) And now I want you to tell again what you know, what you don’t know and what you want to know.


Дети размещают выражения по столбикам и читают.

Great Discoveries, banned books, the Index Liborum Prohibitorum, Wilhelm Humboldt University, genres of the books, in the library, the importance of reading.

b) Teacher: Do the test. Take a card with a smile when you answer the question positively, take a card with a negative emotion when you answer “no”.

1. Today I have found answers to many questions

2. I will use my knowledge in my future life

3. Some questions were rather difficult, but interesting.

4. I understood my classmates and the teacher.

5. I’ve worked hard and I know why books were banned.

Positive Emotions Negative Emotions

Teacher: Well, I see that all of you have only positive emotions, that means I have got a good mark for this lesson.

And you have got good and excellent marks for your work, too.

Thank you for your work. It’s time to finish our lesson. Good bye!



What is it about?




Pirates, cowboys. Can find ships, faraway islands, lost treasure.


Detective story


Love and hate. The characters go through a lot of difficulties to come together


Biography (autobiography)


Vampires, witches, ghosts and scary supernatural events.


Science fiction


Criminals, killers. There is always a clever detective or policeman.




Spaceships, trips to the moon and star wars.


Adventure story


Wizards, witches and other magic objects and words. The story is long.




The author describes his own or somebody’s life.

1- 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6- 7-


What is it about?




Pirates, cowboys. Can find ships, faraway islands, lost treasure.


Detective story


Love and hate. The characters go through a lot of difficulties to come together


Biography (autobiography)


Vampires, witches, ghosts and scary supernatural events.


Science fiction


Criminals, killers. There is always a clever detective or policeman.




Spaceships, trips to the moon and star wars.


Adventure story


Wizards, witches and other magic objects and words. The story is long.




The author describes his own or somebody’s life.

1- 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6- 7 -

Card 2

Say true or false

  1. Banned books are great books.

  2. They came to the library to borrow books.

  3. They were going to ban a phone book.

  4. The practice of banning books is a good idea.

  5. The characters were going to ban a cookbook.

puppet ['pʌpɪt] марионетка, кукла

The Catcher in the Rye is a novel by J. D. Salinger. (Над пропастью во ржи)

A phone book- телефонный справочник

А cookbook – книга с кулинарными рецептами

Card 2

Say true or false

  1. Banned books are great books.

  2. They came to the library to borrow books.

  3. They were going to ban a phone book.

  4. The practice of banning books is a good idea.

  5. The characters were going to ban a cookbook.

puppet ['pʌpɪt] марионетка, кукла

The Catcher in the Rye is a novel by J. D. Salinger. (Над пропастью во ржи)

A phone book- телефонный справочник

А cookbook – книга с кулинарными рецептами

Card 2

Say true or false

  1. Banned books are great books.

  2. They came to the library to borrow books.

  3. They were going to ban a phone book.

  4. The practice of banning books is a good idea.

  5. The characters were going to ban a cookbook.

puppet ['pʌpɪt] марионетка, кукла

The Catcher in the Rye is a novel by J. D. Salinger. (Над пропастью во ржи)

A phone book- телефонный справочник

А cookbook – книга с кулинарными рецептами

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